Thursday, May 28


-Simple post-
  I lived in myself back then, I realized there was something I need to change. The way I live, the way I look, the way I  do. These was a sudden I started to open my mind, life is so precious.

  A road, it was a normal and usual road. Building along the side, people come and go, cars and chaos from market and so. This is the road, where I basically went through to my house. I can remember all the shop that located. Ya, I live at that area since I was born.

  A day, I was going back to my house, my dad was driving, I was looking around. When I looked up, blue sky, and there is something I never seen before, it was the rooftop from one of the old old old building. I pass by this road numerous times,  why I never see this before. Is the way I look too narrow?

    I start looked up, there were all the things I never see before, that moment is so mind-relaxing, the rooftop connected with blue sky, is just like an vintage paint drawing.

   Just the moment, the nearest, the common, the simple things that appear in my life, I did not even knowing their existence. A narrow view from me, I only know the stress, irritate around, but when I look up there is always a peacefulness around me.

    I start slowing down my step, look up and around, the world is huge, is not just what I saw. I look up to the sky, I know at the same moment, there's thousand people who is also looking at the sky.

    As a student, study and result are first priority. Not even spending one second to look around the world. LOOK UP, it could something that you miss, you ignored. Now, is the time that you find your time, do things that you like, it will open your view, your life will also be more great, enjoyable and happiness is always by your side.

Erica XiinZ