Thursday, May 28


-Simple post-
  I lived in myself back then, I realized there was something I need to change. The way I live, the way I look, the way I  do. These was a sudden I started to open my mind, life is so precious.

  A road, it was a normal and usual road. Building along the side, people come and go, cars and chaos from market and so. This is the road, where I basically went through to my house. I can remember all the shop that located. Ya, I live at that area since I was born.

  A day, I was going back to my house, my dad was driving, I was looking around. When I looked up, blue sky, and there is something I never seen before, it was the rooftop from one of the old old old building. I pass by this road numerous times,  why I never see this before. Is the way I look too narrow?

    I start looked up, there were all the things I never see before, that moment is so mind-relaxing, the rooftop connected with blue sky, is just like an vintage paint drawing.

   Just the moment, the nearest, the common, the simple things that appear in my life, I did not even knowing their existence. A narrow view from me, I only know the stress, irritate around, but when I look up there is always a peacefulness around me.

    I start slowing down my step, look up and around, the world is huge, is not just what I saw. I look up to the sky, I know at the same moment, there's thousand people who is also looking at the sky.

    As a student, study and result are first priority. Not even spending one second to look around the world. LOOK UP, it could something that you miss, you ignored. Now, is the time that you find your time, do things that you like, it will open your view, your life will also be more great, enjoyable and happiness is always by your side.

Erica XiinZ

Monday, March 23


Since 2008, I found out a Korea girl group, Girls' Generation. I am in love with them, song and personality. Korea pop a.k.a K-pop was not popular back then, only a small amount of people recognized this pop. That time not as many group as today, so this industry in Korea is just a tiny thing.

2009, song like; Gee, Sorry Sorry and Lucifer went popular. Everyone start knowing K-pop this thing. With good looking, good attitude and talented persons gain attention by their catchy songs. So, SNSD a.k.a Girls' Generation also one of them. This year definitely is their most glorious year. 

2010-2013, SNSD was so famous and popular, title of nation girl group belong to them. Their hardwork, pain, tears had been seen. They deserve the fame and everything. Amount of fans are keep gaining non-stop, concert, album were all achieve good selling record among all the others girl group.

2014, not a best year for them. Scandals, rumor, dating were all reveal. Fanwar was getting pretty seriosly. Not to mention as you know SONEs are always the target to get hate, and sometimes we just stay quiet. Cause '粉丝行为,偶像买单” it means 'WHAT FANS DO, IDOL TAKES BILL' . Well, I know some of the fans will argue, however Mostly I will stay quiet. 

2014-09-30, SM kicked Jessica out from SNSD. Mostly SONEs shocked, cry and comment on any social media that SNSD have. I do the same thing, my bias is Jessica, I know some people will think she is rude, act like princess, pasive person. But what made her great is her attitude, she is mature. We know Jessica always follow her heart, as long as she did not regret what she did. She like sing being a singer, joining musical. She did not complain anything, no matter her health is not good, she continue perform at stage. She is not a well-social person, cause she knows other member are good in that particular part. 
So, statement from herself and company was two different story, for me there is no evidence to prove whos story is the right one. I was lost and freaked out, completely no direction to follow who. #OT9 #SoshiBone #PowerOfNine, trending crazily. Nothing happen, no one speak out for this case either members too. I was so disappointed, what '9' , what slogon that a just a decorate. Fans stared to split, OT9, OT8 or Maomao. I am stuck in OT9 and Maomao. OT8, seriouly?  Why your heart can change so fast? LOVE FOR NINE? Liar . 
Totally, until now still a mistery, no one knows, but who care the to help her friend to explain the entire situation? I know, maybe some misunderstood between them happened, but atleast they have working together and living together 9years. Jessica lost everything, all start form the begining . ' Stand as eight is hard, stand as ONE is eeven hard'. 

2015, K-pop is growing bigger and bigger. TOKYO DOME went well. Thats the end of the #PowerOfNine.? Officially, OT8 and whatever. I am a OT9 since 2008. 

There is still a tiny hope after three years is the end of the contract. Maybe their relationship is still good. I don't know, what I know is OT9 is a bullshit. No one reminisce, all her hard work to bring SNSD to the next level are all forgotten by everyone.